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Self-Care MasterClass

Rapid Revitalization for Educators

The Conscious Classroom’s mindfulness keys to turn your attitude & your energy around


Shift your perspective and lighten your load in discovery sessions


Experience ease on your revitalization home retreat


Go deeper with your inspiring and illuminating contemplation sheets

Teachers have come to expect the time between Winter Break and Spring Break to be slump months.

Winter break was too short and summer too far away.

With the unreasonable pressures of adjusting to life during and now as the pandemic eases, the entire year is feeling like that hard time for too many of us.

If you're struggling...

Know That You're Not Alone

If you are finding it hard to get up in the morning, hard to get to sleep at night, hard to feel enthusiasm, and hard to have patience with your students, chances are you are experiencing the depletion and burnout that is all too common among educators in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Know that you are not alone.

If you’re like many teachers I work with, maybe you’ve tried some of these different ways to perk yourself up...

  • Ranting on Reddit.
  • Starting a new home-exercise routine, lasting a day or two.
  • Binge eating ice cream or chips.
  • Mindlessly scrolling through headlines or social media.
  • Having that extra glass of wine too many nights.

But none of these efforts are succeeding in banishing your doldrums, lifting your spirits or reconnecting you with your own vital energy, your own love for teaching, or your own optimism about life.

It’s understandable.
These are hard times.

But you don’t have to go it alone.

If you’re feeling like you need a pick-me-up...

...and you could use support from someone who already understands the pressures of teaching, who has worked with hundreds of teachers, and who has been practicing these tools for 40 years...

You've come to the right place.

In working with more than 1,700 public school teachers in inner city schools

I’ve seen firsthand the burdens teachers carry

And I’ve seen firsthand what makes a difference

I’ve walked into Professional Development sessions where everyone is utterly burned out and watched those same teachers walk out an hour later with light in their eyes and smiles on their faces.

I’ve worked for the last five years, perfecting a set of keys that you can use every day to unlock your vitality, refresh your sagging spirits, and even weave into your classroom so you (and your students) get a breather during the day, just when you need one.

What makes all the difference is having these three keys at your fingertips:

  1. Simple and profound practices
  2. Transformative perspectives
  3. Supportive people in your community

These 3 keys will unlock the revitalization that is not out of reach, even if you feel it is. That revitalization is just, momentarily, hidden from view

We can change that. That’s why I’ve created this 5-session program Rapid Revitalization for Teachers.

You may feel like you’ve caved into frustration and discouragement.

Just because it feels that way right now, doesn’t mean it can't change. There are transformative practices and perspectives that can shift your experience right now, which is when you need it. You need the support and revitalization now, to get through this next semester.

This can’t wait until everything is perfect.

You need that uplift:

  • Before we solve the pandemic
  • Before social upheaval and inequity is a thing of the distant past
  • And even before bureaucratic inefficiency has miraculously resolved itself.

Children are in school now. You are teaching now. You are tired now.

You need revitalization ... now.

That’s why I designed this live, supportive 5-session series that you’ll be able to tune in to every day so you don’t have to go it alone. So you can be guided through restorative practices that will bring you ease right now. And, you’ll walk away with easy to use reminders and resources so you can continue to nourish yourself, your family, and your classroom again.

Here's the thing...

You Became an Educator Because You Care... You’ve Seen How a Love of Learning Sets Hearts on Fire and Opens up Lifelong Possibilities.

That Passion is Your Superpower

Though the flames may seem to be burning low, in Rapid Revitalization, my Self-Care MasterClass for Educators, I’ll work with you. Together we’ll blow on those embers and rekindle that fire.

With your authentic passion renewed, you can do more than just survive these times, you can rise.

When you do, you’ll experience ease even in the midst of pressure.
Your family and friends will benefit from your strength.
Your students will grow under your care and example.

If you have been feeling like you aren’t sure how you’ll make it through the end of this school year, there couldn’t be a better moment to enroll in the Rapid Revitalization, Self-Care MasterClass for Educators.

Rapid Revitalization

About The Self-Care MasterClass for Educators

No matter how busy you are, you matter.
Your health, well-being, revitalization, and yes, your joy matters.
Getting good guidance and revitalizing yourself matters.

  • Now is the moment to get the three keys

    So you can revitalize your body, mind, and spirit. (Without adding a ton of extra “to do” activities to your day.)

  • Now is the moment to re-connect with your calling to teach 

    That passion brought you into education will nourish you every day when it is re-kindled.

  • Now is the moment to embrace the real difference you make 

    When you trust that who you are is more than enough and end that agonizing pressure to work endlessly and never feel like you are doing enough.

  • Now is the moment to learn the simple remembrances 

    That activate your wellbeing and keep you auto-replenishing. Yes, you can renew throughout the workday, even during the most hectic ones.

  • Now is the moment to visualize what your life as a teacher could be like.

    Even in the midst of the pandemic, you can create a rewarding experience. Because your wellbeing can’t wait. You can learn to draw boundaries that keep you happy, well, and strong.

What's Included?

Your Path to Revitalization

Session 1

Turning Down the Volume

3 Keys to help you turn down the volume and change the channel. Learn to shift from a focus on worry to a focus on that which restores.


Sooo Relaxed

Imagine Friday arriving and thinking, “I didn’t know I could be this relaxed during such a busy week!” In this session, you’ll work with tools that can make your day one you can feel good about, proud of, and restored by.


Have a Good Day, Today

We often stop at visualizing what’s possible, without seeing the internal barriers that keep us from making that shift our own. In this session, you’ll learn how to dismantle cultural and personal barriers to your own well-being.


Self-Care Q&A

Even Superbowl MVPs have good coaches to get them there. We all need encouragment and training from people who can share their secrets -- the short cuts they’ve learned over the decades. In this session, get all your Self-Care questions answered.


Rapid Revitalization Immersion

Set everything aside for 90 minutes and enjoy this inner spa day. Relax with a massage for the mind, a cooling pack for your emotions, and calming practices for your body.

What You'll Learn

During this Rapid Revitalization MasterClass You’ll Discover

  • How to reframe your relationship to troubling thoughts so you can nourish your own well-being.
  • How to develop mindful awareness so you can create a Conscious Classroom and live a life that is empowering, even in the midst of challenges.
  • Why will-power is not enough and how to find focus through ease.
  • How to apply the essential keys of mindful awareness whether you sit on a cushion or not.
  • Why putting your own oxygen mask on first is essential, and the amazing difference it can make in your classroom.
  • How revitalization emerges when you feel supported and empowered.

And you'll get lifelong access to the material so you can work with the practices again and again.

Are you feeling called to transform your teaching experience and make your work rewarding again?

In working with hundreds of teachers and thousands of students, Amy’s organization Inner Strength Education has become the gold standard in school mindfulness programs. You'll get a glimpse of this powerful and profound approach that makes Conscious Classrooms. The best learning happens when we nourish the body, mind, and spirit of students and their teachers.

Join other committed, smart, and passionate educators for this one-time Rapid Revitalization MasterClass. Nourish yourself!

"My staff couldn't stop raving about how well the class went! This has been so important for our school community!"

J.L., High School Principal

"This is exactly what I needed! This changed a week from hell into practices I'm going to make habits! Thank you."

R.L., Teacher, Oakland, CA

"Thank you so much for leading our staff through mindfulness practices. We appreciated and enjoyed the time to relax, rejuvenate, and be with themselves and each other in ways we don't usually have time to do. I look forward to our continued work together!"

A.D. High School Principal

"Your mindfulness course is genuinely unique, academically rigorous, mind/soul/mind stretching, and life-changing! From the bottom of my heart,"THANK YOU"! You've made my day and uplifted my spirits!"

H.S., Art Teacher

"Our training was excellent. Everyone left the training empowered to weave simple, yet effective strategies into daily life. Even those in our organization who were skeptical or hesitant at first ended the day feeling refreshed."

C.W. Chief Program Officer, ArtistYear

"It was truly a pleasure to have Amy provide a session for our team. She helped us to address the feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed and also assisted us with identifying the effects of secondary trauma. Since our training, our team has shared techniques with our youth, as well as employed self-care techniques into the work place."

K.S. VP of Programs, Philadelphia Education Fund

"Amy reminded us that we, the adults, are important, too. To better serve our students and to better teach, we need to take care of ourselves. We were able to immediately implement every self-care strategy she presented, and our teachers and staff chose to implement them on their own throughout the school year. We started a new approach to living because we realized the difference within ourselves. Who wouldn't rather live than simply exist?!"

N.H., Executive Director, Charter High School

"Educators devote much of their time and effort to the wellbeing of their students; thus, often forgetting to consider their own needs. You introduced the concept of mindfulness, and took us on a journey through meditation exercises that helped us become enlightened to our present state of mind. These tools helped us become aware of our emotions and stressors, and allowed us to reflect on how they may influence our decisions."

J.D. Health & PE Teacher, High School

Ready Relax & Revitalize?

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Rapid Revitalization for Educators | A Self-Care MasterClass


DEI scholarships are available to make this training accessible regardless of an individual’s economic means. Click here to apply for a scholarship.

Meet The Instructor

Amy Edelstein

Educator, author, and public speaker—Amy is a powerful communicator of ideas and beliefs that can help us transform ourselves and the culture we live in.

In 2014, she established Inner Strength Education, a non-profit organization, which has supported 15,000 Philadelphia high school students with mindfulness and systems thinking.

Amy has 40 years indepth experience working with mindfulness and other transformational tools and philosophies, and has taught around the world.

In 2019 she was awarded a Philadelphia Social Innovation Award for her program’s work in Violence Reduction. She is a Cornell University College Scholar, cofounder of Emergence Education, which produces transformational books and programs for adults.

Amy is the creator of the Inner Strength Mobile Wellness App for teens, the CASEL-Recommended Inner Strength System SEL curriculum, and the author of several books including the IPPY award winning, #1 educational bestseller, The Conscious Classroom.